i think it's because i didn't do shit over my vacation. unless, you count sleeping until eleven o'clock everyday, starting and finishing the Hunger Games trilogy (totally recommend it, bee tee dubs), watching at least a dozen Lifetime movies (tori spelling has still got it), drinking far too much wine, playing video games with my brother and cooking largely inappropriate sized meals for just me and my husband.
i did manage to spend time with my family and Dustin's family. and that's all that's technically required, correct? well, mission accomplished.
fishing with our nephew's Christmas Eve.

that fishing is about all the physical activity i did for the span of about 10 days. i started to work out once, and then thought about the Grout Bully re-grouter i wanted to order, and that seemed more important. obvi.
no wonder i felt like a giant bag of shit when i had to go back to work last monday. and tuesday. and wednesday...
i'm hoping that by this monday, i'll actually be ready to do something at work other than play BINGO on facebook for eight straight hours. but, no promises. not one of my resolutions even remotely resembles anything like "work harder and more efficiently". but more importantly, hopefully next week i will be able to rustle up the energy to do things AFTER work. that's when it matters, right?
so...since, i am a total waste of time and energy, and this blog doesn't really even make sense, i thought i'd share some of my other favorite blogs from the past year with you. at least you'll get something for mistakenly reading this piece. and it may give you something to do at work.
it's all about wine that's under twenty bucks. no brainer.
good wine under 20
this is one of my favorites of the year. and if you don't think it's real, keep it to yourself. i'm still living the dream.
texts from bennett
this guy. you love him or you hate him. i love him. but, i also live in five points and can make fun of myself. if you don't...you probably won't be as tickled by him as i am.
ITB insider
this chick makes me actually want to do DYI stuff, instead of just look at it for hours.
made by girl
um...it's a blog about candy. duh.
candy blog
two great blogs for the girl on the budget.
frugal fashionista
the budget fashionista
a bunch of awesomeness in one place.
buzz feed
go fug yourself. it's in the title.
go fug yourself.
not technically a blog, but i love these bitches.
crockin' girls
i like reading about the celebrities, okay?
pop sugar
i know, just KNOW, that he writes some of these himself.
justin timberlake
and then there are the ones we all know and love. texts from last night, dear old perez, and fail blog.
hope this helps getting you through another week at work.
love & rockets,
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